The carols have all been sung, the presents have all been opened and another Christmas has passed. The Metaverse Review hopes everyone had a wonderful holiday and wishes all a happy and prosperous New Year!
With the passing of the holiday, things are beginning to slowly return to normal around the Metaverse. Though hostilities haven't sprang up yet, it appears galactic conquest will resume anew soon. A couple of empires have undergone some upheaval in the past few days, while two new empires have appeared from the ashes.
The Jedi Republic once again endured a exodus of members. This time, Admiral Mayito7777 left the Jedi to form the first empire dedicated to Good/Neutral overlords. A few more overlords left the Jedi to join Mayito in this endeavour, leaving the Jedi Republic reeling and in fifth place. Though previous defections have caused some strife in the Republic, this one seems to be more calm. Jedi Master Yoda quickly released a statement which outlined the Republic's position, stating
I think it's time to remind everyone what our Republic is all about.
Here is what we stand for, an open empire (and always will be) for anyone, reguardless of alignment, play style or frequency, but a strong community spirit.
"I have founded a new Empire, the Republic. I would like to say that in no way is my Empire a hardcore gaming group, but rather a place to have fun, without having to worry about the competition."
I still believe this is what we should be focused on, having fun and having fun doing it!
From all this I wish to remind all that here it does not matter how often, how well, or WHAT you play, it only matters that you have fun and be a part of our community. We are one-of-a-kind in the Metaverse, lets make it a good, fun kind.
May the Force be with You
This statement outlines exactly what makes the Jedi Republic special and it is hoped that the Republic will continue to be as strong and vibrant as they have always been.
The Empire of Light that was created from the Jedi Republic has begun a recruiting campaign and has already moved up to 13th place. Though the stated requirements for membership in the Empire of Light is that one must maintain a Neutral or Good alignment, it is unclear what will happen if someone's alignment slips to evil. Thus far, the Evil Empire has maintained a very strict policy of removing overlords who don't maintain evil alignment, but it remains to be seen if the Empire of Light will exercise such strict membership rules.
The Evil Empire has also lost one of it's members who broke away to form another empire. Lord Megatron, formerly a Evil Empire senator, left to create the Mod Masters empire. Mod Masters' only membership requirement is that members must use Mods in their games. It is certainly good to see empires like this spring up as interests vary so much in the Metaverse. New players looking to get involved in an empire have a great selection of empires to choose from. With new players arriving daily, especially after many received the game for Christmas, the Metaverse is alive and rich with a variety of choices.