In an incredible series of events and frantic battles, the overlords of Special Forces claimed first place, stripping the Fellowship of the Ring of the top spot in the Metaverse.
As the protectors of the One Ring watched, the banner of Special Forces, which now resembles a nuclear detonation overlaid with the letters SF and a sword, was raised at the top of the Empires board. Attempts by Fellowship warriors to retake the ground has thus far met with failure, however they swear to continue the battle. Though the Fellowship still seeks first place, many of their overlords sent messages of congratulations to the victors, showing the respect Special Forces deserves.
The Diplomats empire, headed by Prime Minister Spellforce, has grown significantly in the past several days. Along with Shalom Shemesh, formerly of the Fellowship of the Ring, the Diplomats now have six overlords and stand in 14th place. By order of the emperor, the first six overlords who joined the Diplomats were granted a seat in the Diplomatic Senate and assigned specific jobs in the empire. Future recruits will now fill the ranks of the overlords, with one out of every five gaining a Senate seat. The Diplomats have established a base, which can be accessed here.
Starfleet empire, which recently broke into the Metaverse, now consists of three members. Captain J.T. Qwerk commands this crew of Star Trek enthusiasts and leads them in their adventures, which they relate on their thread. Though this empire is not the first to design itself around the Star Trek theme, it seems to be one of the most successful to date, as they currently stand at 15th place. They have set up a communications outpost here where information and news about their empire can be found.
The Jedi have now moved to within 45,000 points of the Mid-Western Confederation. Several communications were intercepted coming from Coruscant which seemed to indicate a military strike is imminent. Several sources have reported seeing Republic ships en route to unknown locations. A Jedi government official, speaking on condition of annonymity, revealed the destination of the Republic ships was on the MWC border. Stay tuned for this conflict is sure to erupt.
The Aldarian Empire celebrated Galaxy Day on January 18 as they broke into the Top 10 in the Metaverse.
The usual celebrations ensued, now affectionately known as DHABB among the citizens of the Metaverse. One wonders if Aldaria even bothers with a police force, as almost every day sees a new reason for DHABB. Photo journalists captured some of the partying going on in Aldarian space. Disturbing, isn't it?
It appears the pirates of G.R.O.S.S. have reinitiated their recruitment and plundering duties. Reports from many of the top empires indicate pirate raids on their alcohol storehouses. The pirate thought to be behind this series of raids is the infamous KitWarrior. His wild style and sometimes silly attire is unmistakable when someone witnesses his "handiwork". Security has been stepped up at most empire's alcohol warehouses, but it is generally accepted that the pirates will still aquire their booty, no matter what they do.
The Terran Federation has begun to resurrect their empire after a long absence. Emperor Sarcasto has begun a fresh recruiting campaign and seeks new candidates at their empire page. Now at 25th place, they wish to challenge the Army of Northern Virginia for 24th. Twentieth to twenty-fifth is a close battle and it is still unclear who will emerge victorious among these empires.
The Metaverse has been very positive regarding the new medals that have been implemented so far. Besides a couple of glitches in which some overlords have gotten medals they don't qualify for, the new medals are very spiffy looking and have generated some new interest in the game. This reporter thinks it was most certainly time for some new challenges.