The Official News Service for Metaverse Empires.
How Empire Flipping Can Totally Change the Metaverse
Published on October 29, 2003 By Theoden of Rohan In PC Gaming
As everyone in the Metaverse knows, empiring is alive and well. Most players consider the Metaverse a retreat where reality takes a back seat and just for a little while, we take on a new persona. The lively discussions and lighthearted banter generated in the forums makes any visit a pleasure. And several of us have found friendship in the dealings we've had with the other overlords. It seems the Metaverse is the perfect (or at least as perfect as it can be) online gaming community.

However, in the past several days, the Metaverse became a place of sadness and mistrust. For a short while, the Metaverse truly lost control. After the prank of a few players in the Fellowship of the Ring empire in which the players swapped empires for a short time (see previous Metaverse Review issue), many in the Metaverse took things a bit further. For reasons unknown still to many of us, a few players swapped empires and accusations began to fly. For many, a feeling of betrayal crept in as empires who had worked so hard to gain their place in the Metaverse suddenly dropped several positions, while other empires rose sharply. Mistrust soon followed and before long, several overlords decided to turn independent and leave their respective empires. What started as some simple empire movements turned into a full fledged Metaverse catastrophe, leaving empires such as the Jedi Republic shattered. Even though the Jedi reached the lofty heights of second overall, they have been split and are trying to regroup.

Many of the affected empires are attempting to heal their wounds and return to normal. The Metaverse has breathed a collective sigh of relief. Things are still not completely repaired, but the effort is great to see. The Metaverse Review has attempted to understand the happenings of the past several days, in hopes that things might not get that bad again.

First, it seems that the Metaverse means much more to some than merely a place to post scores. Many of us underestimate the serious commitment put forth by many in the Metaverse. This commitment can turn into a devotion which can be a flashpoint when things become as chaotic as the empire swapping became. This has been severely underestimated in this reporter's opinion. It is wonderful that Galactic Civilizations and the Metaverse can inspire such feelings in people, and instead of criticizing this commitment, we should all be thankful because this is the true core of the Metaverse. Without these players, the Metaverse would be very boring, indeed.

Second, the entire concept of empires has many feeling a certain sense of "nationalism", which can be somewhat fanatical. Just like the nationalism seen in the Olympics by rabid sports fans, the nationalism of the Metaverse burns in many. All of us feel pride in our empires. We revel in our victories, we share in the defeats, and we all strive to improve our empires. Some write stories, some play the game religiously, and some share strategy. What may seem strange to those who don't play this game is why are people in loose groups of players so dedicated? An excellent question, which can be answered simply by what this game entails. It is more than a simple TBS game. It is an effort which each of us take part in, a journey of sorts. We are all citizens in this most important of communities, the Metaverse. Though our empires may share in moments of levity and fun, we should all look at the big picture. We're all a small part of a large group, and the actions of some may effect the whole. This was especially true with the empire swapping.

Remember, my friends, that the Metaverse is first and foremost a place to have fun. Whether you are in a Sluggy Von Richtoven story written by PontiusBruinPilot, sharing a laugh with Mayito7777, worshipping at the CariElf Temple, or merely hanging out in your empire thread chatting with your friends, remember we are all a part of something bigger. Some players may change empires out of a desire to find more action. Some may leave for personal reasons. Others may decide to take a vacation from their empires. It is the hope of the Metaverse Review that all overlords will set aside our differences and enjoy the game and the community. We're all in this together. Let's stick together for the long haul and have some fun along the way.

on Oct 29, 2003
Well said ( smile )
on Oct 31, 2003
Note that while we did lose MM77 (who had only recently joined us from another empire) we have maintained all of our core members and we have taken on new ones during this Metaverse shake up. We have a loyal membership and a strong sense of community in the MWC, but most importantly we just have fun.
on Oct 31, 2003
Oh cruel irony, well we lost Kryo shortly after writing the previous note. Still I belive the the MWC is one of the most stable empires out there and we have continued to have an active membership base.