The Official News Service for Metaverse Empires.
A look at what these crazy people are doing.
Published on November 3, 2003 By Theoden of Rohan In Blogging
Hello, all!

Let me begin by explaining why I have two blogs. My first blog, the Metaverse Review, is specifically meant for players of Galactic Civilizations to see what's happening in the Metaverse, especially empires. I've had a great time reporting the many items of news that the empires produce and I hope to continue this for a long time. But I have some other thoughts that I'd like to express, but they really don't belong in an empire blog. So I decided to start up a personal blog. Granted, it will mainly contain thoughts on the Metaverse...but instead of objective reporting, I'll be speaking my mind here. Where the Metaverse Review stops, Theoden's Keep continues!

That said, I'd like to start out with what exactly the Metaverse is. Not everybody who reads through Joeuser blogs plays Galactic Civilizations. And you should be ashamed of yourselves! Galactic Civilizations is one of the greatest games ever produced, but a lot of you have heard that tripe before, so I won't bore you with another long examination of why it's so great. I'd like to focus more on the Metaverse, the community within the Galactic Civilizations gaming world. The Metaverse is something a bit more than a forum and a list of top scorers. How can this be? all begins with who's there.

Though nobody really knows the exact average age of the Metaverse participant, the idea that has been tossed around is between 25-35. This age group is particularly important in the equation of why the Metaverse is so strong and vibrant. These aren't the children that you'll find on most other gaming communities. We have a bit more maturity and respect for each other. Of course, this lends itself to some slightly more colorful discussions than if Cap'n Crunch or Count Chocula is better! The friendly discourse provided in the Metaverse gives a newbie a feeling of comfort that they're likely not to find anywhere else.

Many of these people have gathered together into groups called empires. This is where it gets a little strange. A main characteristic of humanity is our overwhelming desire for competition. In other words, we like to win. And as we've seen in the past couple of weeks, many will do quite a lot to achieve victory. Jumping empires takes a player in a nominal empire into a competitive empire. But it also tends to twang some people's nerves as one player can affect many people. We've managed to make it past many of our problems, but the issue of competition will continue to be a focal point of strife, which in my opinion is how it should be. We shouldn't let ourselves screw up the Metaverse by making everybody win. Life isn't about everybody winning. It's about who can beat somebody else. As long as it's done in a civil fashion, without causing a breakup of the entire group, I see nothing wrong with players wanting to improve their situation.

Well, that's about all for this post. I'll let everyone chew on this for a while. But as you can see, the comments made on here would not necessarily be prudent for the Metaverse Review.
on Nov 03, 2003
I disagree with that the age contributes to the atmosphere. I'm much younger than 25 and I am still an active community member, and I have been pretty civil as well.

Also, this article seems to be posted twice.
on Nov 03, 2003
Yes Nand.. it does seem to be posted twice..

But age (or better still maturaty) does play an important part.. I'm 42 and I to am a very active participant in the metaverse.. so if you take your age away from mine you get about that average age that Theoden was talking about.. It takes all kinds and ages to make the metaverse what it is.. I'm very pleased to see the younger generation actually being mature in these forums. The metaverse is doing the world a big favour in that its bridging the generation gaps.. It goes to show that not all of the younger generation are imature.. Basicly I believe that is the great group atmosphere that binds the metaverse. Sure we have out disagreements and tiffs but being humans thats what happens.. the thing is that we get over them quickly and don't let things fester for too long.. this takes maturity.. and the more mature the metaverse is the more mature people it attracts. Just remember it is a game, a game about conquest and empires without forgetting about the individual.. the metaverse is definatly a lot more than I high score chart.. its a living.. breathing orgasmic being.. the creation of Stardock.. My god they've created a monster.. it pulses with life.. and as such is suseptable to those things that effect us in real life.. "If you prick us do we not bleed" well so does the metaverse like live the metaverse is only as good as what you put into it.. Right now I believe the closest similarity that the metaverse has to real live would be that its like a teenager.. suffering from growing pains of adolesence.. where its rebelous,unsure od direction.. and with a gun ho attidude of "who gives a @#$%" but with the mature cells that go into make up the metaverse it will age and mature like we all hope our kids(childeren) will, to have a long and prosperouse life
on Nov 03, 2003
Thanks for the double post catch,'s fixed!

Smeagle, I couldn't agree with your comments more!
on Nov 05, 2003
What the heck was that? Now we have religous spam too?
on Nov 05, 2003
Dude for a post about Oneness he sure did use a lot more than One word. I am a practicing Christian and I respect other religions, but when I see something like this my eyes glaze over and I just read the next post.
on Nov 06, 2003
I'm pretty sure it was a joke. If it was, it wasn't funny. If it wasn't, delete this crap.

With all due respect for christians everywhere, of course.
on Nov 11, 2003
I deleted the religious thing...not certain why the person thought that was related to anything here.